Wir sind super froh und beehrt als Ensemble die Basisförderung von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa für die Spielzeiten 2023 und 2024 bekommen zu haben! Dank dieser finanziellen Unterstützung können wir unsere laufenden Kosten bei der Organisation, für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und bei den Proben gedeckt bekommen, was für uns einen großen Unterschied macht. Vielen Dank an die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa!
We are super happy and honored as an ensemble to have received basic funding from the Senate Department for Culture and Europe for the seasons 2023 and 2024! Thanks to this financial support, we are able to cover our running costs for organization, public relations and rehearsals, which makes a big difference for us. Many thanks to the Senate Department for Culture and Europe!
We are so extremely honoured and happy to have won the First Prize and the special Ferdinand Ries Prize at the first chamber music competition for historical instruments “Beethoven in his Time” in Siegburg!
We will be back very soon with news about concerts, CD releases, and more new projects and beautiful music!
See our winning performances here.